The doors to Arkesoul open spaces that summon and are mutually summoned. Living consciously requires living in learning, living in learning is living in efficiency.
In this House of Knowledge we have doors that allow you to work our model and methodologies in three dimensions:

Consciousness for life
is our space dedicated to working on the dimensions of the Self in the formation of a conscious identity that, from its uniqueness, can live with meaning and fullness. Only rooted in a conscious life can we establish true relationships that can be the expression of mutual recognition, in which bonds are possible.
From our model, the Epistemology of Integration, we work with you a process in which together we identify the unconscious elements that operate as epistemological distortions of what you assume "you are". This multidimensional process is the ground on which we examine your life as possibility and fullness, one which you can live by conscious choice. Thus, we accompany you in personal processes, couples processes, and your family systems, in this creative work.
Our Manifesto is "Honoring life and human value in its infinite possibilities," in it is symbolized the value that Arkesoul gives to each life and its possibilities.
Our model of consciousness is not a therapeutic process, so its objective is not to "heal" or "liberate" or help you "be happy," but to train you as the unique and unrepeatable being that you are, so that you go out to explore life, your life through your choices.
Arkesoul would like these processes to always be a choice that arises from our desire to be human in wholeness, not from experiences of rupture or crisis in our lives. However, we know that it is precisely in these moments that we open ourselves up to the possibility of self-knowledge. For those who come to Arkesoul feeling lost or living in a moment of structural loss or crisis, we present our model as a response, not so that they can return to that state of apparent well-being that the status quo of our lives often makes us believe is fullness, but to initiate a journey of exploration of the Self that allows them to learn to live from consciousness and, therefore, in the possibility of a life of values and transcendence.
The process requires the formation of a bond of recognition and valuation, and for this, each process is carried out with the accompaniment of a team so that you can reflect and learn to recognize yourself from different "faces and voices." This process is emergent and unique, as we all are.

Consciousness for learning
is our space where we "learn to learn", therefore it is the soul of Arkesoul, where our model and methodologies were created. Here we teach you how to learn by showing you that learning is an act of humility and wonder, and we help you apprehend reality as it is, astonishing in its multidimensional and non-linear evolution. Planting the possibilities of integral thinking has been Arkesoul's vocation since its foundation, and our programs and seminars have been the first visit that many made to our home, choosing to dedicate themselves to a life centered in learning. Creation and encounter are only possible when we are open to learning.
As the central node of Arkesoul, Consciousness for learning is constantly evolving, and it feeds the spaces of processes that we carry out in Consciousness for living and Consciousness for efficiency.
Our programs are formative spaces for those undergoing personal, couple, or family processes, and they are also a fundamental resource in working with collectives and companies to revise our vision of efficiency and strategic thinking. Our program of Integral Thinking and Innovation, and the Efficient Cooperation program, form work teams in an exploration of efficiency from non-linearity, and a review of organizations and markets as complex and evolving systems.

Consciousness for efficiency
was the latest space created in Arkesoul. As a consultant, I created a model that focuses efficiency on the vision of the functionality of organizations, markets, and social systems from a review of their formative genome as complex systems that learn. This model was used permanently in the personal processes with which I worked. If the objective of our processes is to help live consciously, and therefore, from a perspective of the valuation of time as the fundamental input of life and value creation, the accompaniment and methodological support that these processes required when addressing the structural choices of life in their professional dimension and the formation of what we call in Arkesoul the "square meter" from which as adults we must sustain ourselves, made me realize that everything learned as a consultant had to become accessible to the lives of everyone: young people who are choosing certain paths of professional development in an uncertain world surrounded by uncertainty and unemployment; women who, after a recent divorce, now need to regain their place in instrumental worlds; men who, in a life bet, gave their best years to the meritocracy of large corporations to finally not obtain what they believed was theirs by right; small entrepreneurs surrounded by the predatory force of global capitalism; companies that have grown without formality and now face the countless faces that the lack of a structural and strategic foundation ends up passing us as irreparable costs; family businesses where all the distortions of family systems are exacerbated by the lack of an efficiency model and co-responsible protocols. And that is why, honoring the small, I translated the non-linear value creation model of my history as a consultant to make it accessible to everyone.
Today we work helping to define life in the consciousness of time and efficiency through our Life Strategic Planning methodology (LSP) and to collectives and companies both in their foundational phase and to those who operate a value-generating project through processes called Methodological Intervention (MI). In both, we teach to think in a new way from the acceptance of the inescapable complexity of reality, our projects, and our value-generating vision. We teach that efficiency is an inescapable facet of ethics and value creation, to assume the co-responsibility that each life has in the formation of the world.
As we know that there is no transformation without working on what we carry as mental maps and especially from the unconscious elements from which our epistemological distortions operate, in the LSPs and MIs that we carry out, we work in teams in which the human dimension is fundamental. As a team, we address the multidimensionality present in any value-generating project: the human, the interobjective, the intersubjective in a strategic and structural review that provides long-term sustainability and efficiency through the generation of increasing returns to scale to the projects with which we work. A possible market lock-in in the complexity of the markets of the 21st century only requires a strategic vision that can decode its evolutionary functionality to create a unique business model that does not have to believe that surviving in competition is still the way these markets operate.